Innovative Workshop Series Tackles Top NFP Topics
Published on by Ian McManis in Not-for-Profit

We know today’s not-for-profit professionals are juggling more priorities than ever, and time is at a premium. That’s why we hosted a series of quick, to-the-point workshops designed to answer key questions not-for-profits are facing across a broad range of topics. Check out the recaps below and access the full recordings on our website!
Cybersecurity: How NFPs Protect Themselves and their Donors
Barnes Dennig Director and Cybersecurity pro Robert Ramsay wants you to know that everyone is at risk to falling prey to ransomware, whether it’s your home office computer or a major oil pipeline company. But the more prepared you are for an attack, the more likely you are to avoid it. Join Robert and learn how to best protect yourself and your organization. Here are some top highlights:
- Ways to protect against ransomware attacks
- PCI DSS standards – How to make sure your organization is compliant when soliciting donations online
- How to keep donor secure and private
- What you need to know about the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and how to be compliant
Download the presentation and watch the full recording here.
The New Lease Standard: Why NFPs Need to Start Planning Now
Maybe you’re ready to implement the new lease accounting standard today. Maybe it’s still at the bottom of your never-ending to-do list. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, Barnes Dennig Senior Manager and NFP Assurance pro-Brad Sack covers the basics, using real-life examples and experiences from his clients. Here’s a snapshot:
- What do the updates to the lease accounting standard mean for my organization? When do they go into effect?
- What changes should I need to make today to make sure I’m in compliance?
- How can I build and manage a process to keep my team and me on track?
Download the presentation and watch the full recording here.
NFP Tax & Accounting Lightning Rounds – 990s, ERC, QBO for NFPs
Join NFP Tax Team Leader Paula Hume, CPA, COVID-19 Team Leader Cheryl Ganim, CPA, and QuickBooks Pro Kathleen Haney, MBA as they break down some of the most common accounting and tax issues NFPs face in just 15 minutes each!
- It’s just a 990 — how hard could it be? Turns out there’s a bit of strategy involved.
- Wait, did you say we could be eligible for the Employee Retention Credit in 2021 even if we weren’t for 2020? Take the ERC Quick Test and come prepared to discuss how to determine eligibility and calculate the amount.
- A lot of NFPs use QuickBooks Online (QBO) – how can I use it to help my organization grow smart?
Download the presentation and watch the full recording here.
Virtual Auditing 101: How NFPs Avoid Common Issues
Every organization needs audits run for them, but not all have had a virtual audit. Our world is moving more towards virtual every day. While virtual work has a wide list of benefits, there are some downsides as well. Join Senior Manager Kara Wysinski, CPA, and Senior Associate Tricia Hart, CPA in going over the pros and cons of virtual auditing. Here are a few of the highlights:
- Changes to Audit Approach
- New Audit Risks
- Changes in Internal Controls
- Best Practices for Remote Audit
Download the presentation and watch the full recording here.
Additional Resources & Upcoming Events
Our Non-profit team works hard to bring the best and most relevant resources to our communities. We’re hosting Measurement Resources Company and SureImpact, Inc. founder and CEO Sheri Chaney Jones as she leads us through two full workshops in one information-packed virtual event:
- Data-Driven Strategic Planning for Fundraising Success
- How to Turn Data into Dollars: Demonstrate Your Social Impact
Learn more and register here.
Every other year, we collect responses from regional non-profits on compensation, benefits, retirement plans, governance and other metrics and release the findings in a free virtual event.
Each attendee will receive a copy of the 2021 Not-for-Profit Compensation & Benefits Benchmarking Study, which will help them compare their organization to others in the region. A well-thought-out compensation and benefits package helps not-for-profits better fulfill their mission.
Learn more and register here.