We’re not your average American accountants. We’re fluent in more than a few global accounting languages.
From the full implementation of another foreign accounting basis to reconciling financial statement balances from U.S. GAAP to a foreign one, we’ve done it all. And we can do it for you too.
Barnes Dennig’s international practices team has helped countless clients apply German GAAP, Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB), Swiss GAAP, and Japanese GAAP.
We’re also well versed in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) – high-quality global accounting standards required for public companies in 144 global jurisdictions. And we know the nuances of IFRS’s simplified global accounting standards for small- and medium-sized businesses – recognized as a U.S. GAAP along with full IFRS.
If you need financial documents that are accurate and in compliance with laws and regulations in more than one country, we can help.
Learn more about how we can help your global organization with global accounting solutions.