About Paula
Paula has significant expertise on the tax code as it relates to not-for-profit organizations, a specialization that makes her a popular resource for local organizations and a decided asset to Barnes Dennig’s clients.
Tax compliance can be a tricky issue for non-profits, as laws and interpretations change regularly. Paula is adept at reviewing clients’ tax returns and advising them on policies and procedures that ensure they maintain their exempt status. Her experience ranges from assisting clients with the initial start up of their organization to more complex issues such as unrelated business income.
Paula’s career spans over 25 years, including experience working with real estate and construction companies. But since joining Barnes Dennig, she has worked exclusively with not-for-profit clients, which gives her unique insights into the issues they face. She conducts the annual Barnes Dennig Not-For-Profit Tax Update and she speaks regularly at Barnes Dennig’s not-for-profit roundtables. She has spoken for The Cincinnati Bar Association, Philanthropy Ohio and The United Way asked her to speak to local not-for-profits on the subject of tax compliance.
Paula received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSCPA).