Barnes Dennig a 4-Time Top 50 Construction Accounting Firm
Published on by Kat Jenkins in Construction, Firm News

For the fourth time, Barnes Dennig is one of Construction Executive Magazine’s Top 50 Construction Accounting FirmsTM, moving up the list eight spots to number 41 in the publication’s July/August issue, which dropped today. The recognition reinforces the firm’s strength in accounting, advisory, and business consulting for the construction industry.
Barnes Dennig Director and Construction Industry Practice Leader Eric Goodman says “It’s a tremendous honor to be on this prestigious list for the fourth time. Construction is a large part of our business across all our markets, and that depth and breadth of knowledge give our clients a unique advantage. They know our dedicated team of construction professionals understands the complexities and the finer points of the industry, and we’re proud of our role in helping contractors drive outstanding business results.”
Beyond construction industry expertise, Barnes Dennig conducts multiple annual thought leadership events and a biennial Construction Compensation & Benefits study, which provides in-depth insights that help contractors create a competitive edge by benchmarking against other similarly-sized contractors in our region.
“Being named one of the Top 50 Construction Accounting Firms really speaks to the strength of our construction practice and the outstanding team of professionals who serve the industry throughout the Midwest region,” Barnes Dennig Managing Director Jay Rammes remarks. “We’re able to provide our clients with a depth and breadth of service that helps them build their business, maximize resources, mitigate risk, and optimize their results – as well as peace of mind that they’re getting the right information, insight, and advice.”
Barnes Dennig’s team of highly trained construction industry professionals focus on every aspect of construction, so they understand the unique assurance, tax, and business consulting services for contractors regardless of size.
About the Top 50 Construction Accounting Firms
Now in its 21st year of publication, Construction Executive is the leading trade magazine about the business of construction. In its July/August 2023 issue, CE published a comprehensive ranking of The Top 50 Construction Accounting Firms™. To determine the ranking, CE asked hundreds of US accounting firms with a construction practice to complete a survey. Data collected includes:
1) 2022 revenues from construction practice;
2) number of CPAs in construction practice;
3) percentage of firm’s total revenues from construction practice;
4) number of construction clients in 2022; 5) number of office locations with a construction accounting practice;
6) number of employees with CCIFP certification; and
7) year construction accounting practice established. The ranking was determined by an algorithm that weighted these factors in descending order of importance.
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