Boosting Manufacturing Talent in Ohio | TechCred Application Opens April 1
Published on by Chad Martin in Manufacturing
New Application Period for TechCred: April 1-30, 2021
How can you boost talent for your manufacturing company? One key way is by utilizing TechCred – an innovative program that reimburses employers for helping employees earn industry-recognized, technology-focused credentials.
The next TechCred application period is open as of April 1 and will close on April 30 at 3 PM ET. Businesses with employees who have completed their TechCred training should submit proof of credential completion to receive reimbursement at
About TechCred
The purpose of the TechCred program is to train employees to learn new technology-focused skills, and help employers build a stronger workforce with the skills needed in a technology-driven economy. These credentials prepare current and future employees for the cutting-edge technology jobs Ohio employers need to compete successfully and will take a year or less to complete. The credentials will add value to the workplace, increase job security, and will lead to higher wages. The program is a catalyst for both businesses and workers to succeed in new ways.
Since the program started, 1,168 Ohio employers have been approved for funding, and 19,841 employees have earned tech-focused credentials through the TechCred program. According to the Office of Opportunities for New Americans, manufacturers accounted for more than half of all approved applications.
The list of eligible TechCred credentials includes examples of education and training providers offering each certificate or certification. (Employers can work with either a listed or an unlisted training provider.)
Here are the key things to know about the TechCred program:
- Employers can receive up to $2,000 for each current or new employee who earns a qualified credential (up to $30,000 per funding round).
- Businesses of all sizes are eligible.
- You can view the list of pre-approved credentials here. These credentials include industrial maintenance and welding certifications, among many others.
- Employers may apply to have new credentials added, with applications reviewed by a panel of stakeholders. The OMA is involved in this review of submitted credentials.
- More than 400 of the program’s approved credentials can be earned online.
- Here is a recorded webinar about the TechCred program that the OMA created in conjunction with the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation.
What’s new this year?
There are several enhancements designed to streamline the program for 2021:
- The length of the grant will be reduced from 18 months to 12 months from the award date.
- Training programs must start on or after the date of the award, not before, and must be completed in less than 12 months.
Employers who apply for TechCred funding have a good chance at approval. If your business is interested, visit and submit your application.
Let’s Talk
If you’d like to discuss this program in more detail, feel free to contact us here or call 513.241.8313. Our industry leaders can connect you with the resources you need. We’re here to help.