Search Results for “contact+us” | Barnes Dennig

Profit Improvement

Increasing Your Profitability As competition surges, you’re forced to make tough decisions. Should you drop prices to increase sales? Spend more money to promote a specific product or service? Cut costs to improve profits? And, would these steps really make a positive impact on your bottom line? Even cash-positive, profitable

Don’t Be Fooled! Tax Scams in 2020

“We don’t get fooled again!” are the lyrics and namesake of the 1970 song by Rock n’ Roll band The Who, and 50 years later, they are still words to live by in today’s chaotic environment.  With all of the distractions brought on by the pandemic comes a golden

Mergers & Acquisitions

It Takes Teamwork to Plot a Winning Move When you’re buying, selling, or merging businesses, your two main thoughts are likely to be: “Wow, this is exciting!” and “Wow, this is complicated.” The stakes are high, and you can’t afford to skip a step or miscalculate. No one person can

Operational Review

Work Smarter, Surge Ahead Ask any endurance athlete. In a long race against stiff competition, efficiency is your friend. The smallest adjustments — a lighter shoe, a longer stride — can end up giving you the victory. In business, as in sports, it takes an experienced coach to find and

Transfer Pricing

Staying in Compliance with Transfer Pricing Regulations You’ve moved some of your business internationally – and now want to move some of your supplies, services, or intellectual property there too. This seemingly simple practice might actually be a big headache – and an even bigger tax burden. It all comes

State & Local Tax

Navigate the Rough Sea of Regulations For many types of entities, in many situations, profits come at a cost. And that cost often relates to taxes and regulations. The time it takes to understand ever-changing state and municipal laws. The resources required for upgraded ERP systems to manage all that

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