Retirement Plan Audits Pittsburgh | 401k Audits - Pittsburgh (PA)


Many businesses and non-profits in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania are required to conduct an annual retirement plan audit. Once a plan reaches 100 participants with a balance (known as a large plan), Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) regulations require an independent audit of plan operations and finances.

This ensures compliance with Department of Labor (DOL) and IRS rules and regulations. While the requirement isn’t new, many plan sponsors have struggled to find an audit firm that hits the “sweet spot.” Rather than a clearly communicated, deadline-driven audit based on open communication, many plan sponsors have experienced the opposite.

Not only does this create frustration, but it makes the audit process significantly more challenging and risks any non-compliance issues escalating.

Employee Benefit Plan Audits – Pennslyvania

Barnes Dennig provides employee benefit plan audits to more than 170 plans annually, including 401(k), 403(b), profit sharing, defined benefit, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), and others. According to ERISApedia, which ranks firms based on the number of benefit plan audits conducted, we are rated as one of the country’s top 100 firms for benefit plan auditing. Beyond this, the firm is a member of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Control Center (EBPAC). Our depth of experience and focus on client services translate into a seamless plan audit experience for our clients.

Map of Pittsburgh (PA) – 15230

Pittsburgh Retirement Plan Audit Services

Our retirement plan audit and consulting services include:

  • 401(k) and 403(b) plans
  • Profit-sharing plans
  • Defined benefit plans
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOPs)
  • SEC 11-K Filings
  • Health & welfare plans
  • Full-scope audits
  • Limited-scope audits
  • Plan mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs
  • Full or partial plan terminations
  • DOL and IRS investigation assistance
  • ERISA compliance matters
  • Form 5500 and Form 990 or 990 T filings

Contact our Pittsburgh Retirement Plan Auditors

Barnes Dennig conducts retirement plan audits for companies in Pittsburgh and across Pennsylvania remotely from our Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana locations. If you’re interested in learning how we can assist with your next retirement plan audit, complete the form below and a team member will follow up shortly.

About Pittsburgh (PA) Business Community

The Pittsburgh business community is marked by its transformation from a historical industrial hub to a modern center for technology, healthcare, and education. Once known for its steel industry, Pittsburgh now hosts a thriving tech sector, with significant contributions from companies like Google, Uber, and numerous startups. The healthcare industry is a major economic driver, anchored by institutions such as the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and Allegheny Health Network, which provide cutting-edge medical research and services. Education plays a critical role in the local economy, with universities like Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh fostering innovation and talent.

National Reach

Barnes Dennig also provides retirement and 401k plan audits to companies nationally, including Albuquerque (NM), Baltimore (MD), Boise (ID), Charleston (SC), Charlotte (NC), Dallas (TX), Denver (CO), Des Moines (IA), Detroit (MI), Houston (TX), Las Vegas (NV), Little Rock (AR), Milwaukee (WI), Minneapolis (MN), Nashville (TN), Omaha (NE), Phoenix (AZ), Pittsburgh (PA), Richmond (VA), Salt Lake City (UT), Seattle (WA), St. Louis (MO), and Wichita (KS).


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