Kentucky Department of Revenue Update – A New Way to File Taxes in Kentucky
Published on by Ben Emerson in State Local Tax, Tax Services

A big change is happening in the Commonwealth of Kentucky for businesses looking to file their taxes in 2025. Starting March 14, 2025, businesses will no longer be able to file their taxes through OneStop. Instead, they will file their taxes with MyTaxes.
The MyTaxes portal will offer:
- A more comprehensive view of taxpayer data including filing, paying, and viewing return information for multiple tax types
- Ability to view taxpayer correspondence
- Increased self-service capabilities such as submitting a refund application, making payments, and requesting a letter of good standing
What Business Tax Filers Need to Know
Business tax filers will use the new MyTaxes portal instead of OneStop to access information and file taxes beginning March 14, 2025, for:
- Sales & Use Tax
- Corporation Income (Corp) Tax
- Limited Liability Entity (LLE) Tax
- Telecom Tax
- Withholding Tax
- Utilities Gross Receipts License Tax (UGRLT)
- Non-Resident Withholding (NRWH) Tax
- Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Tax
- Tire and Transient Tax
MyTaxes will replace E-Tax, the UGRLT and Telecom filing system, and WRAPS (the Withholding Returns and Payment System).
Starting February 26th, there will be a two-week operations pause at the Kentucky Department of Revenue to prepare for these changes. Business tax filers will not be able to file returns or receive refund payments in either OneStop or MyTaxes from February 26th to March 14th.
Business tax filers are being asked to print any historical return data from OneStop that they want to be saved before February 26th. Although the Kentucky Department of Revenue will archive historical return data from OneStop, there will be no access to these records in OneStop beginning on February 26th. Business filers are also being asked to ensure that their email address and contact information is up to date with OneStop before February 26th.
An email will be sent out for MyTaxes with login credentials and instructions to OneStop, E-Tax, and WRAPS users in the first week of March 2025.
What Individual Tax Filers Need to Know
During the February 26th through March 14th two-week pause transition period, individual income tax filers can file tax returns via typical methods, however, refunds will not be processed between February 26th and March 14th.
It is recommended that individual filers file their returns as soon as possible once the Kentucky Department of Revenue begins accepting returns on January 27, 2025, if they anticipate a tax refund and would like to receive it promptly.
Talk to us
If you have any questions about Kentucky’s new filing system or how it impacts your business, contact us. As always, our tax pros are here to help.