Strong Growth Forecast for Distributors Continues in 2015
Published on by Barnes Dennig in Manufacturing, Wholesale / Distribution
Economist and NAW Senior Economic Advisor, Alan Beaulieu, measured in early 2015 that Total Wholesale Trade Sales were up 5.1 % in 2014. This increase includes a record retail sales improvement of $2.8 trillion from the prior year. These Wholesale Trade improvements are directly related to the overall gains in our economy. Serving as about 6% of our GDP, wholesaler-distributors are essential for even larger sectors of the economy, such as manufacturing or health care, to prosper.
Along with retail sales growth, employment in the private sector has been rising in many of the U.S. industries, including wholesale. While employment trends remain positive, after-tax income for a wide range of individuals has also created encouraging results. We can continue to expect larger disposable income amounts until a forecasted downturn in late 2018.
Based on early tendencies, 2015 sales and employment have been accelerating greater than 2014 and wholesaler-distributors should have experienced noticeable economic expansion for 2015 by now. In conjunction with last year, things will likely slow in the forthcoming quarter. However, wholesaler-distributors can anticipate even faster growth and even greater demand in 2016 to continue this extremely positive economic growth.
Alan Beaulieu will join us for an Annual Seminar on November 12, 2015 to offer up his proven forecasts for 2016. He’ll be able to provide his perspective on economic changes resulting from the upcoming election and how that will impact the rising trends we’ve seen in the past two years. Be sure to register at today or by calling 513-241-8313 to save your spot to this free seminar.