Internship Experience | DePaul Cristo Rey | OH | KY | IN

DePaul Cristo Rey Shaping One Intern’s Experience at Barnes Dennig

Published on by Ian McManis in Firm News

DePaul Cristo Rey Shaping One Intern’s Experience at Barnes Dennig

For Zhy’lee, having a professional experience under her belt prior to applying for college will give her an edge that not many other high school students see. As a student at Cristo Rey High School in Cincinnati, Zhy’lee was paired with Barnes Dennig for her freshman year corporate work study program. She currently works assisting the staff in report creation, record keeping, and a myriad of additional administrative responsibilities.

DePaul Cristo Rey is an affordable, Catholic, college preparatory high school in Cincinnati that provides a private, college preparatory education to families who might not be able to afford it without significant financial assistance. DePaul Cristo Rey High School is one of 26 schools in the national Cristo Rey Network.  The Cristo Rey Network is comprised of high schools across the United States that provide a quality, Catholic, college preparatory education to young people who live in urban communities with limited educational options.

All Cristo Rey Network schools use a rigorous academic model, supported by effective instruction, to prepare students with a broad range of academic abilities for college. Cristo Rey Network schools employ an innovative, entrepreneurial Corporate Work Study Program that provides students with real world work experiences.

Zhyl’ee’s favorite part about working at Barnes Dennig is her ability to gain a real life perspective of professional culture, and the experience that she gains from her responsibilities. She is also a big fan of the $.25 pop machine.

When she is not working, Zhy’lee is involved in dance and cheer at DePaul Cristo Rey High school. She also enjoys the robust class structure, accessible teaching staff, and cheering for the school basketball team. Barnes Dennig thanks Zhy’lee for her contribution to the team, and wishes her the best as she continues her academic and professional career.


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