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Apply Today: Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program

Published on by Cheryl Ganim in Tax Services

Apply Today: Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program

Overview, Application, Key Dates

With the sixth iteration of the program, Ohio is offering eligible applicants up to $25,000 in direct financial assistance to train workers and improve the economic competitiveness of Ohio’s employers. The Voucher Program is designed reimburse a portion of the employer’s costs to improve the skills of its incumbent workforce.  Each Applicant will be eligible for up to $4,000 for each eligible incumbent employee per Fiscal Year and up to $25,000 in total assistance per Fiscal Year. The Voucher Program will provide reimbursement based on specific training costs accrued during the course of training. Eligible employers must demonstrate that by receiving funding assistance through the Voucher Program their business will not only obtain a skilled workforce, but will also improve company processes and competitiveness.

Eligible businesses can now begin the online application process (as of September 25, 2017) and will have three weeks to gather the necessary information to complete their application. Online applications will be accepted on a first-come, first- served basis and can be submitted on October 12, 2017 between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

For more information about the Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program visit http://development.ohio.gov/bs/bs_wtvp.htm.

Employer Eligibility

An eligible employer must operate as a for-profit entity in a state-designated targeted industry, with a facility located in Ohio that has been in continuous operation for the 12 months immediately prior to application submittal.  Targeted industries are:

    1. Advanced Manufacturing
    2. Aerospace and Aviation
    3. Automotive (Automotive Technicians)
    4. Automotive (Manufacturing)
    5. BioHealth
    6. Corporate Headquarters
    7. Energy
    8. Financial Services
  1. Food Processing
  2. Information Technology and Services
  3. Logistics
  4. Polymers and Chemicals
  5. Research and Development

Only one application per Applicant will be accepted per program year. If an employer has multiple sites or Affiliated Entities, those sites and Affiliated Entities must work together to submit one application. An application may include multiple employees and multiple training courses.  Companies that received Voucher Program assistance in FY’16 (based upon FEIN) who utilized 33% or less of their award amount will not be eligible for assistance in FY’18.

Employee Eligibility

An eligible incumbent employee is someone who is directly employed by the Applicant at a facility located within Ohio and meets all of the following requirements:

  1. Employed in any of the following business functions: production, back office operations, information technology, logistics, research and development or as an automotive technician;
  2. Earning an hourly wage of at least 150 percent of the federal minimum wage ($10.88 as of January 1, 2012) plus benefits;
  3. An Ohio resident;
  4. At least 18 years of age;
  5. Working at least 25 hours per week; and
  6. Directly employed by the Applicant for six months or longer.
  7. Retail/service function employees are not eligible.

Contact Us

For questions regarding this program, its benefits, or the potential applicability to your business, have a Barnes Dennig team member reach out to you by sharing your questions here.


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